
"Bark" di Lorrie Moore

E' uscito - dopo 15 anni - un nuovo libro di racconti di Lorrie Moore, Bark (Knopf), ma pare sia deludente.
"Most of the stories in “Bark” are set in the tundra of middle age, and deal with divorce, death, disillusion or other sorts of hurt. There are some deeply affecting moments here — mostly involving children — but they remain just that: moments, islands in stories that, for the most part, are heavy-handed and forced. Many of the characters come across as synthetic types, instead of as specific people delineated intimately from within. And all too often, Ms. Moore’s custom blend of jokes, inner road maps and social observation devolve into what read like imitation Lorrie Moore stories". Michiko Kakutani, naturalmente, sul nyt.

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