
Caustico, pettegolo, sempre intelligentissimo, a volte sentimentale e amaro ( Most of all, though, I believe that A Moveable Feast serves the purpose of a double nostalgia: our own as we contemplate a Left Bank that has since become a banal tourist enclave in a Paris where the tough and plebeian districts are gone, to be replaced by seething Muslim banlieues all around the periphery; and Hemingway’s at the end of his distraught days, as he saw again the “City of Light” with his remaining life still ahead of him rather than so far behind), Christopher Hitchens sulla nuova edizione di A Moveable Feast: The Restored Edition, di Ernest Hemingway (Scribner). Atlantic.

Jeffrey Eugenides su Herzog di Saul Bellow. NPR.

"... if you want to understand the state of American religion, you need to understand why so many people love Dan Brown." Ross Douthat cerca di spiegarlo nel suo editoriale di questa settimana sul nyt.

La stampa americana sta parlando molto della monumentale biografia di García Márquez di Gerald Martin, Gabriel García Márquez: A Life (Knopf). Segnaliamo l'articolo di Jonathan Yardley. WP.

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